Thursday, January 7, 2010

tra la la.

oh. my. goodness.  i am very excited right now.  i found this lovely boy in san diego named jacob livengood who is a painter of many adorable and lovely things.  mostly to me they remind me of cute monsters covered in sprinkles.  this is right up my alley!  i think he might be the man of my dreams.  he's probably made of those delicious iced circus animals.  i'm serious! 

aaaah.  so cute i am going to die. 

his blog is filled with many wonders to behold, which is where i obtained these little gems.  makes me want to eat cupcakes and stuff.

way to make my day, sprinkle painter!  if you ever see this, please make a note that if we ever meet and get married it has to be at candy mountain. 


  1. Alex. I adore you.

  2. charlie the unicorn is going to be the flower girl!

  3. so does that mean we're getting married on candy mountain? I can make us a cake!

  4. but of course. Right in front of the butterscotch stream
