Friday, October 2, 2009

joyous moments.

horay. finally i'm caught up. today i'm picking up my first roll of 110 film. it's been like ten billion years since I used my little teeny camera, so hopefully it looks fresh. here are some delightful photos from my horrible trip to chicago, wherein i found myself waking up in the union station totally hungover at 5:30 in the morning. thanks, mom. you're a peach.

some other photos are from our majestic trip to winchester bay with the dudes in may.

many other randoms in portland at the happy feet at the fix, the bluffs, biking around, etc.

there are more photos in the most recent eight albums in my picasa account.

this weekend is going to be very busy and hopefully very productive. working on organizing photos, nice hikes in the mist, dubstep and ! a lovely art show at the village ballroom featuring the homies gabe gregg and ian boe. holla!

it's one of these days. thanks, freezo.


  1. you is welcome. also, i love your photos. they are always my faves. i wish we were sitting at yammie's having a beer right now. for reals. and then you could take a picture of it.

  2. weeeee!!! the fist makes a beautiful accessory for any season
