I am in talks with a friend of mine about our up and coming bike gang. Looks like the only rules are that you have to be a total babe and cannot have a mustache. sorry dude friends with mustaches, but srsly. not cute anymore. i am over this phase of hipsterness. also, not cute anymore?
fake ass glasses. can you please stop it? god, it's so annoying. i thought that trend went away when weezer broke up, but alas ...
anyway, the point of my tangent is that to be in our gang you have to be hot. you can also have drop handlebars, but it is not required. however, if you do decide to have this style of handlebar, it has to be these. because they are hot and also because my favorite movie in the world is
do the right thing. how can you not love that joint? especially radio raheem's monologue.
death spray custom are the makers of
nitto tracks bars. holla.